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All of the articles and stories in the Fiction Report are fictional.
Any similarities between real people, events, or organizations is completely coincidental.

Pilgrimage Begins toward Hudson River
New York, NY - The Sect of Pure Water began its annual pilgrimage to the mouth of the Hudson River on Sunday, starting their voyage from their Parsippany, NJ headquarters.  The "Pure Waterians" make this journey to cleanse their spirits in the waters of the Hudson. "The Hudson represents the most sacred form of purity, which we all strive to achieve," states Sect leader, Barry Korbanov. 

Solitaire Tournaments Canceled
Wichita, KA - Citing a disagreement over tournament rules, the Solitaire Society has called off its Winter tournaments.  According to a Society spokesperson, "apparently some of our players disagree with the current set of rules."  There is no word on when the tournaments will resume. 

 Fiction Sampler

Orange Crush, by Erik Boemanns
Even a harmless orange can be a terrible thing. Fiction Disclaimer
All of the articles and stories in the Fiction Report are fictional.  
Any similarities between real people, events, or organizations is completely coincidental. Copyright 2002