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Volume I | Issue I

50 cents

Questions about Clashion.com? 

I Love Clashion.com! What can I do to help?
Well, that all depends on where your skills lie.  If you're a great writer, then chances are we want you to write for us.  Of course, it's volunteer work, but it's exposure. 

However, for the majority of you who don't want to write for us, but want to see us stick around, you can help fund the site.  The cover says 50 cents, but since we're not sure how many issues a year we'll put out, nor how many you'll read, we recommend $15 for a year.  Of course, you'll welcome to contribute more or less, as you see fit, and as often as you see fit.  Payment should be sent to subscriptions@clashion.com via PayPal (http://www.paypal.com). PayPal is a quick, easy, and safe way to send money online.

Also, if you haven't already, you should become a member of Clashion.com.

What does Clashion mean?
Slang for articles of clothing or accessories that should not be worn at the same time.  In our case, it's a collection of diverse and often contradictory articles and stories, all in one place for your convenience.

Can I advertise on Clashion.com?
Of course.  Send your advertising inquiries to ads@clashion.com.

I have an article suggestion.  Where do I send it?
Send all article suggestions, comments, or questions to editor@clashion.com

How can I email a particular author?
Just send to their first name @clashion.com (like billy@clashion.com) and they'll get it.

I have another question, who do I ask?
If it's about Clashion, just send it to editor@clashion.com.

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Clashion.com - Copyright 2002 - Email us at editor@clashion.com
The views and opinions expressed on Clashion are those of the author, and do not
necessarily represent the views of all members of the Clashion team, or of Clashion, the organization.